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Barrett Johnson


Some people use words to tell a story.  I use a camera.  Growing up I learned about life from the observation of all that surrounded me... nature, animals, people.  I have sharp eyes and a curiosity that allows me to notice what others often do not see.  I enjoyed sharing my discoveries with others, but felt limited by words that would not capture what I wanted to share.

With film, I am able to use a single image of series of images to tell the story I want to share.  And, when actors, crew, and equipment all come together toward a fiilm goal, the resulting film can be as exppresive as a fine novel.

Through film, I want people to see what they might not otherwise have seen.  I use formats that are simple but may challenge viewers to think.  I want the viewer to become a part of what they see.  I frame shots with my favorite tool, the camera, to create a relationship between the viewer and the subject. 

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